Board of Directors

Rob Bratcher | Commerce Bank | Co-Chair

Commerce Bank

David Campbell | Evergy | Co-Chair

davidcampbellChairman and CEO

Ora Reynolds | Hunt Midwest | Immediate Past Co-Chair

orareynoldsPresident and CEO
Hunt Midwest

Libby Abbruzzese | Actalent, Aerotek & Aston Carter

libbyabbruzzeseDirector of Operations
Actalent, Aerotek & Aston Carter

Jeremy Bechtold | Saint Luke's - BJC Health System

JeremyBechtoldVice President, Facilities & Construction
Saint Luke's

Matt Benge | AssuredPartners, Inc.

MattBengeRegional Sales Leader - Central States
AssuredPartners, Inc.

Dr. Roger Best | University of Central Missouri

Jeff Blaesing | JE Dunn Construction


Kansas City Office Leader
JE Dunn Construction

Rob Broomfield | UnitedHealthcare

RobBroomfieldChief Executive Officer

Weston Buckley | LANE4 Property Group

Greg Canuteson | City of Liberty, MO

City of Liberty, MO

Jeff Carson | Enterprise Bank & Trust

jcarsonRegional President - Kansas City and Texas
Enterprise Bank & Trust

Chelsee Chism | Representing The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/KCK

KCADCBoard-ChelseeChismEconomic Development Director
Unified Government of Wyandotte County/KCK

Lance Claiborne | The Builders, a chapter of the AGC

Kipp Cooper | Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS

Melissa Cooper | Kansas City Aviation Department | Representing Kansas City, MO

Keith Copaken | Copaken Brooks

Copaken Brooks

Tim Cowden | Kansas City Area Development Council

Taylor Dunn | Fifth Third Bank, N.A.

KCADCBoard-TaylorDunnCity President-Kansas City
Fifth Third Bank, N.A.

Rachel Dwiggins | Forvis Mazars

racheldwigginsManaging Partner
Forvis Mazars

Jay Felton | Lathrop GPM LLP

Lathrop GPM LLP

Mike Fenske | Burns & McDonnell

KCADC-Board-MikeFenskeGroup President - Global Facilities
Burns & McDonnell

Penny Postoak Ferguson | Representing Johnson County, KS

PennyPostoakFergusonCounty Manager
Johnson County, KS

Scott Fillmore | Lockton Companies

FilmoreScottExecutive Vice President
Lockton Companies

R Michael Frazier | ReeceNichols Real Estate

mikefraizerPresident & CEO
ReeceNichols Real Estate

Mary Frontczak | Compass Minerals

maryfrontczakChief Legal and Administrative Officer and Corporate Secretary
Compass Minerals

Jeff Gattis | Nabholz Construction

Robin Broder Gibson | Henderson Engineers | Henderson Building Solutions

robinborderChief Strategy Officer | Chair of the Board
Henderson Engineers | Henderson Building Solutions

Lisa Ginter | CommunityAmerica Credit Union

David Hall | Hallmark Cards, Inc.

davidhallExecutive Vice Chairman
Hallmark Cards, Inc.

Jenny Housley | Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City

jennyhousleySVP, Chief Revenue Officer
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City

Jim Jarrett | GBA

Jim Jarrett headshotPresident

Sheri Johnson | McCownGordon Construction Company

sherijohnsonChief Marketing Officer
McCownGordon Construction Company

Michelle Kay | Enterprise Mobility

michellekayVice President | General Manager
Enterprise Mobility

Mark Larrabee | Arvest Bank

marklarrabeePresident & CEO - Greater Kansas City
Arvest Bank

Todd LaSala | Stinson LLP

KCADCBoard-ToddLaSalaChairman of Real Estate and Public Law Division 
Stinson LLP

Tracey Lewis | Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City

Mark Long | Newmark Zimmer | Representing KC SmartPort - Ex-Officio

MarkLongPresident and CEO
Newmark Zimmer

Shawn Long | The University of Kansas Health System


Vice President Philanthropy and Corporate Outreach
The University of Kansas Health System

Korb Maxwell | Polsinelli PC

korbmaxwellCapital Solutions Chair
Polsinelli PC

Matt Mayer | CrossFirst Bank

MattMayerPresident, Kansas City Bank
CrossFirst Bank

Matt Michaelis | Emprise Bank

Emprise Bank

Steve Mills | Spire, Inc.

stevemillsPresident - Missouri 
Spire, Inc.

Tiffany Scalzitti Monroe | H&R Block

tiffanyscalzittimonroeChief People & Culture Officer
H&R Block

Richard Muller | VanTrust Real Estate, LLC

richmullerExecutive Vice President, Science + Technology
VanTrust Real Estate, LLC

Kyle Myers | PNC Bank

KCADCBoard-KyleMyersRegional President and Head of Corporate Banking 
PNC Bank Kansas City

Dean Newton | Delta Dental of Kansas and Surency Life & Health

Maria O'Dell | Group O'Dell Real Estate Team

Roshann Parris | Parris Communications, Inc. | Representing the Greater KC Chamber - Ex-Officio

roshannparrisFounder and CEO
Parris Communications, Inc.

Dexter Phillips | Musselman & Hall Contractors

KCADC-Board-MusselmanHallChief Executive Officer
Musselman & Hall Contractors

Todd Pleimann | RubinBrown LLP

RubinBrown LLP

Stacie Prosser | Kansas City Business Journal

StacieProsserMarket President and Publisher
Kansas City Business Journal

Stephen Reintjes, Sr. MD | North Kansas City Hospital

KCADCBoard-StephenReintjesPresident and CEO
North Kansas City Hospital

Larry Rideaux, Jr., Ed.D. | Metropolitan Community College | Representing Kansas City, MO

KCADCBoard-LarryRideauxVice Chancellor for College and Community Relations 
Metropolitan Community College

Clinton Robinson | Black & Veatch

clintAssociate Vice President, Director of State & Local Government Affairs
Black & Veatch

Chad Rock | BMO

chadrockKansas City Market Executive | Managing Director

Martin T. Rucker II | Martin T. Rucker Development, LLC

martinruckerPresident and CEO
Martin T. Rucker Development, LLC

John Russ | UMB Bank, n.a.

JohnRussPresident, KC Region & Commercial Services
UMB Bank, n.a.

Reid Schultz | R/S Electric Corp.

R/S Electric Corp.

Amy Lee Sewell | Lockton Companies | Representing TeamKC - Ex-Officio

KCADCBoard-AmyLeeVP – Talent Acquisition Manager 
Lockton Companies

Matt Sheets | FNBO

mattsheetsRegional Leader - Kansas City & Dallas

Greg Sikora | Russell

GregSikoraPresident, Kansas City

Shane Smeed | Park University

Park University

Jon Stephens | Port KC

JonStephansPresident & CEO
Port KC

Jacob Vogel | Cerris

JacobVogelChief Operating Officer

Kristen Walters | Panasonic Energy of North America

KCADCBoard-KristenWaltersVice President, Human Resources - KS
Panasonic Energy of North America

Richard Wetzel | Centric

richardwetzelChief Executive Officer

Patrick Whalen | Spencer Fane LLP

Spencer Fane LLP

Bridgette Williams | Heavy Constructors Association of Greater Kansas City

Ben Wolfe, Ph.D. | Kansas State University

BenWolfeDean and CEO | K-State Olathe
Kansas State University

Scott Woodward | MarksNelson


Advisory Council

Board of Directors

Investor Events

Investor Listings


KCADC Annual Meeting

Full Council Investor Briefings

Women in Development